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​THE 13TH CHAPTER: Humanity's Final Chapter - Howard West best work. The DVD, book or download can be purchased here at and other fine book locations: and Barns & Noble.


Humanity's Final Chapter


Paperback 199 pages or eBook Available



​Enter the mind of Howard West as he decode the esoteric mysteries and make since of one of the most thrilling and difficult chapters of the Bible: Revelations chapter 13. In speaking about the Bible' book of Revelations chapter 13, the author stated,

"The book of Revelations chapter 13 is unique in comparison to any other chapter of Revelations; because although it is geared in a way to run the non spirit filled mind in circles: when studying it, if the coding of the chapter can be interpreted correctly, it gives a complete portrait of the perpetrators plan for world dominance in a New World Order".




Facing the Storms of Life with Him


Paperback 184 pages or eBook Available



God has not left us out in the storm to saturate. He has given us an umbrella, namely Jesus the Christ. He will suffice according to your faith. He'll be your umbrella, allowing you to see clearly in the most callous weather.    "UNDER HIS UMBRELLA" is a terrifically inspiring manuscript that takes the reader to new higher realms of trusting God in storms. It is a life changing book, full of knowledge and wisdom; Howard West' best work yet. The reader is given an incredible amount of insightful information on the storms we face in life. Learn from a biblical perspective exactly what trials are and their purpose in our lives. "UNDER HIS UMBRELLA" teaches how to maneuver in trials and achieve victory! I've spent countless hours praying and researching this subject, that I might present a manuscript to the reading audience that will help combat the storms we face in life.



COMING JULY 1st 2013







Who, Where, and Why We Are


Paperback 237 pages, eBook and DVD set will be Available 7/1/2013


The Book exposes the hidden truths concerning the mislead human race in there dealings with politics and religion. It discusses the origin of modern man and the bloodline of an ancient alein race who started a separate race of human's: the Neanderthals.


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